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The Rhubarb Revue is Northern California's longest running variety show, featuring singers, dancers, parodies of film and television, political and cultural humor, and lots of mild (and not-so-mild) irreverence. The Rhubarb Review will be taking a break in 2024 - watch for it to return in May of 2025!   Why the Name Rhubarb? In...

Join us to celebrate our beautiful home and support ways to live more sustainably. April 20th, 2024 12-4pm Tam Valley Community Center - 203 Marin Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 We are mixing it up this year and hosting an Earth Day Festival.  We have events all day long! 9:30 Woolly Egg Ranch Tour Tickets...

This event isn't currently happening. Check back for updates. Second Saturday of the month! 8-11am Tam Valley Community Center - 203 Marin Avenue

Tam Valley Players is a theater troupe that has been performing murder mysteries for more than 15 years, and the Rhubarb Revue, a comedy/variety show, for even longer. We are seeking actors to join an already established troupe for this show, and possibly others. All actors are volunteers. Murder on the Bocce Courts ,  is...

Join us in January for this fun community event filled with friends, neighbors, all you can eat crab, pasta, salad and garlic bread! We even throw in the beer! Tickets are sold out but if you missed out, email events@tamcsd.org and we'll let you know if we have any cancellations.  

1. For single residences, multiple units and commercial buildings up to 150 drainage fixture units, where the lateral has a fall of at least one fourth (1/4) inch per foot (2 percent slope), a 4 inch sewer lateral is acceptable. 2. For all others a 6 inch line is required.

New statewide organic waste regulations (SB 1383) became effective January 1, 2022 in California. SB 1383 regulations are being implemented in the Tamalpais Community Services District under the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance, currently in effect.  The ordinance requirements will be implemented and enforced by the District. Read the signed ordinance here.  The ordinance requires residents (including Single family and Multi-family residents)...

Special Recycling Drop-off TCSD offers special recycling options for our residents. Please  call  (415) 388-6393 to make an appointment to drop off the following items at our district office at 305 Bell Lane. E-Waste: Any household item with a cord (excludes large appliances). Cell Phones/ Chargers: batteries must be removed and disposed of in the battery recycle....

What Does TCSD do? Tamalpais Community Services District (TCSD/District) is a special district located in Tam Valley, Marin County. Approximately 7,500 residents live within the District boundaries. TCSD provides Wastewater collection, Solid Waste collection, and Parks & Recreation services to its residents. Learn more about each of our areas of service here.  Mission The mission...

Community Events are at the heart of what we do in Tam Valley - they help us gather and celebrate this unique community that we call home!

Starting Service Call our office to start service at your property (residential or commercial). You will be asked to confirm that you have three carts, 1 brown/black (garbage), 1 green (organics) and 1 gray/blue (recycling). For more information on the carts and the pick up days, please see our Collection Carts page. Stopping Service If you are moving...

Tam Valley Seniors - Bingo Every Wednesday 11am-1pm Tam Valley Community Center - 203 Marin Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941   Join us for the Seniors Bingo group meeting in person at the Tam Valley Community Center. Bingo Leader Jack Schwartz facilitates the games. Lunch is provided and games are only 10 cents - we...

FY24-25 FY23-24 Service Type Effective 7/1/24 Effective 9/1/23* Debris Bin $87 $85 Dump and leave $56 $55 Extra Pick-Up Trash or green waste bags $10.00 (per bag) $10.00 (per bag) Late Pick-up/ Extra Pick-up Per Trash Cart (35 gal) $10.00 $10.00 Per Trash Cart (65 gal) $20.00 $20.00 Per Recycle Cart $20.00 $20.00 Per Green...

  Base Sewer System Charge (per DU or EDU) Usage Charge (per CCU of winter water usage) FY 21-22 $1,374.88 $33.42 FY 22-23 $1,429.86 $34.74 FY 23-24 $1,487.04 $36.12 FY 24-25 $1546.52 $37.56 FY 25-26 $1608.40 $39.06 DEFINITIONS DU/EDU: dwelling unit / equivalent dwelling unit CCF: centum cubic feet (100 cubic feet of lowing water)...

Approved at a public hearing during the Board of Directors meeting held May 9, 2018, and further authorized through Resolution 2018-07, the following is in effect: All sewer lateral repairs and new sewer lateral construction in the Tam Valley area require a permit issued from Tamalpais Community Services District (TCSD). A Lateral Permit ensures that repairs and...

Each home should have three carts Brown/Black garbage, either a 35-gallon or 65-gallon Grey/Blue recycling 65-gallon only Green Composting green/yard waste & food scraps 65-gallon only Put out rules All three carts must be placed curbside by 5:00 a.m. on your regular pickup day. Find your pick up day here. Place the carts at least...

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