Date and time: 2023-11-08 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: November 8, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-11-08 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: November 8, 2023
Date and time: 2023-10-25 08:00 amLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Work Session: October 25, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-10-25 08:30 amLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Work Session: October 25, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-10-25 08:30...
Date and time: 2023-10-11 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: October 11, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-10-11 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: October 11, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-10-11 07:00 pmLocation: Tam...
Date and time: 2023-09-27 08:00 amLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Work Session: September 27, 2023 - CANCELEDDate and time: 2023-09-27 08:00 amLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Work Session: September 27, 2023 - CANCELED
Date and time: 2023-08-10 03:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: August 10, 2023Date and time: 2023-08-10 03:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: August 10, 2023
Date and time: 2023-05-19 03:00 pmLocation: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: May 19, 2023Department: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: May 19, 2023Date and time: 2023-05-19 03:00 pmLocation: TCSD OfficeDepartment: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: May 19, 2023Date and time: 2023-05-19 03:00 pmLocation: TCSD OfficeDepartment: Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: May 19, 2023
Date and time: 2023-04-25 06:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting: April 25, 2023Date and time: 2023-04-25 06:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting: April 25, 2023
Date and time: 2023-08-09 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: August 9, 2023AgendaAgenda will be available 72 hours before meeting.Date and time: 2023-08-09 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors Meeting: August 9, 2023Date and time: 2023-08-09 07:00 pmLocation: Tam Valley Community CenterDepartment: TCSD Board of Directors...
Would you like to honor a special person in Tam Valley? TCSD offers a commemorative and memorial bench and picnic table program. The program allows Tam Valley residents to purchase a redwood picnic table or teak bench as a tribute or memorial to honor a an important person in their life. Please inquire with the...
The formation of the Tamalpais Valley Community Service District was in large part a response to increased development of the area in the years following the Second World War. For instance, between 1948 and 1952 marshy lowlands at the east end of the valley were filled for new subdivisions, Kay Park Units 1 through 4. ...