District History
The formation of the Tamalpais Valley Community Service District was in large part a response to increased development of the area in the years following the Second World War. For instance, between 1948 and 1952 marshy lowlands at the east end of the valley were filled for new subdivisions, Kay Park Units 1 through 4. In particular, in 1952 147 three-bedroom ranch-style tract homes were built by the Blackfield Construction Company on 42 acres between Kay Park and Tamalpais Junction. The resulting population growth led the community to campaign for a primary school and on October 4, 1951 the four classroom Tamalpais Valley Elementary School Saturday was dedicated.
The new developments also increased demand for a sanitary district. Until this time residents used septic system, but local authorities had become concerned about contamination of the area creeks and Richardson Bay. There were urgent health concerns in connection with the period’s polio epidemic which peaked at this time. This impacted the community when both children and adults were stricken. In the Spring of 1951 the Tamalpais Valley Improvement Club hosted community meetings to answer questions about a proposed sewer district. This led to a vote on the issue in May. Although about 100 residents petitioned to be excluded, a Sanitary Board was formed by 1954 and in 1955 a sewer bond election was held. In March 1957 the Tamalpais Valley Sanitary District system was dedicated.
In 1966 TVIC lobbied that the Tamalpais Valley Sanitary District become a community services district, expanded its mission to include recreation and land resources protection. One of their most significant acquisitions was as the result of fund raising by the Tamalpais Valley Improvement Club’s campaign for a new meeting hall in the 1960s. The TVIC efforts were so successful that they were able to purchase 11.5 acres on Tennessee Valley Road which they donated to the Tamalpais Community Services District which named the acquisition Rhubarb Park. The fundraising raising, via the yearly Rhubarb Revue theater production, resulted in the 1968 opening of the Community Center where we continue to enjoy productions and community gatherings to this day.